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The influ2 package is based on the original influ package which was developed to generate influence statistics and associated plots. The influ package has functions that use outputs from the glm function. The influ2 package was developed to use outputs from brms and relies heavily on the R packages in the tidyverse suite of packages. This vignette showcases the influ2 package.

Functions for exploring data

In this vignette I use a simulated catch per unit effort (CPUE) data set to model the number of lobsters caught per pot. This data set has a response variable labelled lobsters and includes the dependent variables year (from 2000 to 2017), month, depth (in meters), and soak (the soak time of each pot in hours). No step-wise variable selection or model selection is done in this vignette.

The main function for exploring data in influ2 is plot_bubble which presents the number of records by two user defined groups within a data set. The bubble size in plot_bubble represents the number of records across the entire data set, and bubbles can either be a single colour or coloured by a third variable in the data set.

The simulated data set

#> [1] 15642
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   lobsters year  month depth  soak
#>      <dbl> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1        0 2000  01     21.7  27.6
#> 2        0 2000  01     17.2  48.0
#> 3        2 2000  01     10.8  34.6
#> 4        0 2000  01     19.5  48.5
#> 5        2 2000  01     11.0  24.5
#> 6        1 2000  01     38.7  24.5
plot_bubble(df = lobsters_per_pot, group = c("year", "month")) +
  labs(x = "Month", y = "Year")
Distribution of data by year and month.

Distribution of data by year and month.

plot_bubble(df = lobsters_per_pot, group = c("year", "month"), fill = "month") +
  labs(x = "Month", y = "Year") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")
Distribution of data by year and month, also coloured by month.

Distribution of data by year and month, also coloured by month.

The origninal influ versus influ2

Two different models are fitted in brms. The first model assumes a Poisson distributioin and includes the explanatory variables year, month, and a 3rd order polynomial for soak time. The second model assumes a negative binomial distribution and includes the explanatory variables year, month as a random effect, and a spline for depth with 3 degrees of freedom.

fit1 <- brm(lobsters ~ year + month + poly(soak, 3), 
            data = lobsters_per_pot, family = poisson, 
            chains = 2, iter = 1500, refresh = 0, seed = 42, 
            file = "fit1", file_refit = "never")
fit2 <- brm(lobsters ~ year + (1 | month) + s(depth, k = 3), 
            data = lobsters_per_pot, family = negbinomial(), 
            control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
            chains = 2, iter = 3000, refresh = 0, seed = 1, 
            file = "fit2", file_refit = "never")
criterion <- c("loo", "waic", "bayes_R2")
fit1 <- add_criterion(fit1, criterion = criterion, file = "fit1")
fit2 <- add_criterion(fit2, criterion = criterion, file = "fit2")

Fit a model using glm and generate influence statistics using the original influ package

fit_glm <- glm(lobsters ~ year + month + poly(soak, 3), 
               data = lobsters_per_pot, family = poisson)
myInfl <- Influence$new(model = fit_glm)
myInfl$cdiPlot(term = "month")
The original CDI plot from the influ package.

The original CDI plot from the influ package.

cdi_month <- plot_bayesian_cdi(fit = fit1, xfocus = "month", yfocus = "year", 
                               xlab = "Month", ylab = "Year")
The new Bayesian CDI plot from the influ2 package.

The new Bayesian CDI plot from the influ2 package.

The original step-plot from the influ package.

The original step-plot from the influ package.

The influ2 package cannot generate steps plots automatically like influ. Each step must be modelled separately and then a list of models defined as below.

fits <- list(fit1, fit2)
plot_step(fits = fits, year = "year")
The new Bayesian step-plot from the influ2 package. Note that the new step-plot requires that all models/steps be run in brms before the function can be used.

The new Bayesian step-plot from the influ2 package. Note that the new step-plot requires that all models/steps be run in brms before the function can be used.

plot_index(fit2, year = "year")


plot_influ(fit = fit1, year = "year")


i1 <- myInfl$influences %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -level, names_to = "variable") %>%
  rename(year = level)
i_month <- get_influ(fit = fit1, group = c("year", "month")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(value = mean(delta)) %>%
  mutate(variable = "month")
i_soak <- get_influ(fit = fit1, group = c("year", "soak")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(value = mean(delta)) %>%
  mutate(variable = "poly(soak, 3)")
i2 <- rbind(i_month, i_soak)

ggplot(data = i2, aes(x = year, y = exp(value))) +
  geom_point(data = i1) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = variable, group = variable)) +
  facet_wrap(variable ~ ., ncol = 1) +
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Influence") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")
Comparison of influences produced by the original influ package (points) and the new influ2 calculation (lines).

Comparison of influences produced by the original influ package (points) and the new influ2 calculation (lines).

Functions for exploring models

Here I evaluate model fit using loo and waic. Other options include kfold, loo_subsample, bayes_R2, loo_R2, and marglik.

#> Computed from 1500 by 15642 log-likelihood matrix
#>          Estimate    SE
#> elpd_loo -25412.3 198.5
#> p_loo        67.9   1.9
#> looic     50824.7 397.0
#> ------
#> Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is 0.2.
#> All Pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.5).
#> See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
#> Computed from 1500 by 15642 log-likelihood matrix
#>           Estimate    SE
#> elpd_waic -25412.2 198.5
#> p_waic        67.7   1.9
#> waic       50824.4 397.0
#> 2 (0.0%) p_waic estimates greater than 0.4. We recommend trying loo instead.
loo_compare(fit1, fit2, criterion = "loo") %>% kable(digits = 1)
elpd_diff se_diff elpd_loo se_elpd_loo p_loo se_p_loo looic se_looic
fit2 0.0 0.0 -23374.1 124.2 33.5 1.0 46748.3 248.3
fit1 -2038.2 104.9 -25412.3 198.5 67.9 1.9 50824.7 397.0
loo_compare(fit1, fit2, criterion = "waic") %>% kable(digits = 1)
elpd_diff se_diff elpd_waic se_elpd_waic p_waic se_p_waic waic se_waic
fit2 0.0 0.0 -23374.1 124.2 33.5 1.0 46748.2 248.3
fit1 -2038.1 104.9 -25412.2 198.5 67.7 1.9 50824.4 397.0

Bayesian R2 bayes_R2 for the three model runs

# get_bayes_R2(fits)
# cdi_month
plot_bayesian_cdi(fit = fit2, xfocus = "month", yfocus = "year", 
                  xlab = "Month", ylab = "Year")
CDI plot for a random effect.

CDI plot for a random effect.

# plot_bayesian_cdi(fit = fit1, xfocus = "soak", yfocus = "year", 
#                   xlab = "Soak time (hours)", ylab = "Year")
# plot_bayesian_cdi(fit = fit2, xfocus = "depth", yfocus = "year", 
#                   xlab = "Depth (m)", ylab = "Year")
fits <- list(fit1, fit2)
plot_compare(fits = fits, year = "year")
Comparison plot of all model runs.

Comparison plot of all model runs.

plot_index(fit = fit1, year = "year")
#> Warning: Removed 18 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 18 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
Unstandardised versus standardised series.

Unstandardised versus standardised series.


The influ2 package is based on the original influ package which was developed to generate influence plots. The influ package has functions that use outputs from the glm function. The influ2 package was developed to use outputs from brms and relies heavily on the R packages ggplot2 and dplyr. This vignette showcases the influ2 package with a focus on model diagnostics including posterior predictive distributions, residuals, and quantile-quantile plots.

yrep <- posterior_predict(fit1, ndraws = 100)
# ppc_dens_overlay(y = lobsters_per_pot$lobsters, yrep = yrep) + 
#   labs(x = "CPUE", y = "Density")

ppc_bars(y = lobsters_per_pot$lobsters, yrep = yrep) + 
  labs(x = "CPUE", y = "Density")
Comparison of the empirical distribution of the data (y) to the distributions of simulated/replicated data (yrep) from the posterior predictive distribution.

Comparison of the empirical distribution of the data (y) to the distributions of simulated/replicated data (yrep) from the posterior predictive distribution.

ppc_ecdf_overlay(y = lobsters_per_pot$lobsters, yrep = yrep, discrete = TRUE) + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 10))
Posterior predictive check.

Posterior predictive check.

# loo <- loo(fit1, save_psis = TRUE)
# psis <- loo$psis_object
# lw <- weights(psis)
# yrep <- posterior_predict(fit1)
# ppc_loo_pit_qq(y = lobsters_per_pot$lobsters, yrep = yrep, lw = lw)
# plot_qq(fit = fit1)
# plot_predicted_residuals(fit = fit1, trend = "loess")
# plot_predicted_residuals(fit = fit1, trend = "lm") +
#   facet_wrap(year ~ .)
# A new style of residual plot
fit <- fit1

# Extract predicted values
pred <- fitted(fit) %>% data.frame()
names(pred) <- paste0("pred.", names(pred))

# Extract residuals
resid <- residuals(fit) %>% data.frame()
names(resid) <- paste0("resid.", names(resid))

df <- cbind(resid, pred, lobsters_per_pot)

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = year, y = .data$resid.Estimate)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = .data$resid.Q2.5, ymax = .data$resid.Q97.5), alpha = 0.75) +
  facet_wrap(month ~ .) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  # geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = .data$pred.Q2.5, xmin = .data$pred.Q97.5, height = 0), alpha = 0.75) +
  # labs(x = "Predicted values", y = "Residuals") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
Residuals and a loess smoother by year.

Residuals and a loess smoother by year.

Implied residuals

Implied coefficients (points) are calculated as the normalised fishing year coefficient (grey line) plus the mean of the standardised residuals in each year for each category of a variable. These values approximate the coefficients obtained when an area x year interaction term is fitted, particularly for those area x year combinations which have a substantial proportion of the records. The error bars indicate one standard error of the standardised residuals. The information at the top of each panel identifies the plotted category, provides the correlation coefficient (rho) between the category year index and the overall model index, and the number of records supporting the category.

# plot_implied_residuals(fit = fit2, data = lobsters_per_pot, 
#                        year = "year", groups = "month") +
#   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# plot_implied_residuals(fit = fit2, data = lobsters_per_pot, 
#                        year = "year", groups = "depth") +
#   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Functions for generating outputs for stock assessment

Finally, in order to fit to the data in a stock assessment model then indices can be produced using the get_index function. The Estimate and Est.Error columns are what should be used in stock assessment.

unstd <- get_unstandarsied(fit = fit2, year = "year")
cpue0 <- get_index(fit = fit2, year = "year")

cpue0 %>%
  mutate(Unstandardised = unstd$Median) %>%
  select(Year, Unstandardised, Mean, SD, Qlower, Median, Qupper) %>%
  kable(digits = 3)
Year Unstandardised Mean SD Qlower Median Qupper
2000 0.885 0.915 0.068 0.786 0.917 1.053
2001 1.028 1.044 0.079 0.902 1.043 1.202
2002 1.021 1.034 0.078 0.894 1.034 1.193
2003 1.090 1.100 0.081 0.952 1.101 1.266
2004 0.897 0.890 0.068 0.765 0.890 1.029
2005 1.139 1.238 0.091 1.067 1.238 1.423
2006 0.834 0.808 0.063 0.691 0.809 0.934
2007 0.876 0.873 0.066 0.749 0.872 1.008
2008 0.911 0.939 0.070 0.814 0.938 1.087
2009 0.768 0.734 0.056 0.630 0.734 0.850
2010 0.606 0.579 0.045 0.494 0.578 0.673
2011 0.620 0.551 0.045 0.465 0.551 0.646
2012 0.700 0.653 0.052 0.560 0.653 0.761
2013 1.200 1.189 0.095 1.017 1.188 1.388
2014 1.373 1.428 0.107 1.238 1.427 1.651
2015 1.666 1.652 0.130 1.416 1.655 1.923
2016 1.620 1.750 0.127 1.519 1.749 2.014
2017 1.615 1.683 0.132 1.438 1.684 1.954
ggplot(data = cpue0, aes(x = Year)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(y = Median, ymin = Qlower, ymax = Qupper)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Mean, group = 1), colour = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "CPUE") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

cpue1 <- cpue0 %>% mutate(Type = "Estimate")
cpue2 <- cpue1 %>% mutate(Type = "Simulated wrong")
cpue3 <- cpue1 %>% mutate(Type = "Simulated")

for (ii in 1:nrow(cpue1)) {
  sdd <- cpue1$SD[ii] # this is wrong
  r1 <- rlnorm(n = 5000, log(cpue1$Mean[ii]), sdd)
  cpue2$Median[ii] <- median(r1)
  cpue2$Qlower[ii] <- quantile(r1, probs = 0.025)
  cpue2$Qupper[ii] <- quantile(r1, probs = 0.975)
  sdd <- log(1 + cpue1$SD[ii] / cpue1$Mean[ii])
  r1 <- rlnorm(n = 5000, log(cpue1$Median[ii]), sdd)
  cpue3$Median[ii] <- median(r1)
  cpue3$Qlower[ii] <- quantile(r1, probs = 0.025)
  cpue3$Qupper[ii] <- quantile(r1, probs = 0.975)

df <- bind_rows(cpue1, cpue2, cpue3)

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Year, y = Median, colour = Type)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Qlower, ymax = Qupper), 
                  position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA), expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "CPUE") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
Simulating from a lognormal distribution and comparing with table values. Simulating with the wrong SD underestimates the uncertainty at low values.

Simulating from a lognormal distribution and comparing with table values. Simulating with the wrong SD underestimates the uncertainty at low values.