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A package for generating step plots, influence plots, CDI plots, and influence metrics for a linear model


The concept of influence in generalised linear models is described in Bentley, N., Kendrick, T. H., Starr, P. J., & Breen, P. A. (2011). Influence plots and metrics: tools for better understanding fisheries catch-per-unit-effort standardisations. This package provides an implementation of the plots and metrics described in that paper. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr174.

Currently, this package works for glm models with log transformed dependent variables. These are the type of models commonly used for one part of the delta-lognormal approach to catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) standardisation. e.g. model = glm(log(catch)~year+month+vessel+effort) In time, the package may be generalised to other types of models (e.g. gams) and other types of dependent variables.

This document provides minimal documentation and the best way to learn how to use this package is through the vignette: "An example of how to use the 'influ' package"


Nokome Bentley