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Standardisation of catch per unit effort using generalised linear models (GLMs) is a common procedure that attempts to remove the confounding effects of variables other than abundance. The influ2 package can be used to generate plots and metrics to assist understanding the standardisation effects of explanatory variables included in GLMs.

The influ2 package provides two categories of important functions: get and plot.

Get functions

The get functions obtain information from brmsfit objects and do some processing of that data before returning it as a data.frame.

Plot functions

The plot functions include a get function and an appropriate ggplot2 geom to plot the output.


Bentley, N., Kendrick, T. H., Starr, P. J., and Breen, P. A. (2011). Influence plots and metrics: tools for better understanding fisheries catch-per-unit-effort standardizations. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr174